Ryan Brothers Trucking

Ryan Brothers Trucking Revitalizes Brand and Overcomes Driver Shortage with Only Co's Strategic Guidance
Original Problem / Opportunity

Ryan Brothers Trucking, founded in 1958, faced several critical challenges that threatened its future growth and profitability:

- Lack of a digital brand presence and clearly articulated values 

- Limited long-term strategic vision or succession plan

- Difficulties recruiting and retaining drivers with an aging workforce 

- Desire from younger generations to retire earlier than the founder

- Recent acquisition of another trucking company that required integration

Negative Stakes

Failure to address these challenges would have led to:

- Stagnant growth and missed business opportunities 

- Continued struggles to attract quality drivers and fill open positions

- Potential failure with acquisitions without proper branding and messaging

- Lack of clarity and confidence for the future of the family business

Positive Stakes

On the other hand, tackling these issues head-on would allow Ryan Brothers to:

- Control their destiny and set ambitious yet achievable goals

- Be more selective in the jobs and drivers they take on

- Expand the business successfully through acquisitions


Only Co applied their strategic expertise to help Ryan Brothers overcome these hurdles:

- Conducted a thorough diagnostic process to help leadership see their challenges in a new light and build confidence that solutions were possible

- Developed a precise brand positioning as the go-to experts in nonstop, high-value logistics across the American West

- Created a complete set of brand assets, including a website, videos, business cards, truck branding, and a revitalized logo that captured their authentic identity

- Launched a strategic recruiting campaign to drive awareness and applicants for open positions


With Only Co's guidance, Ryan Brothers was able to:

- Recoup their initial investment by hiring quality, profitable drivers

- Attract a younger driver workforce with many productive years ahead

- Be more selective in hiring and firing to build a team that genuinely fit their culture 

- Move away from less profitable owner-operator contracts to take more control

- Gain the branding foundation and confidence to pursue further acquisitions

- Set the stage for continued growth, profitability, and family business success for the next generation

By quantifying its goals, clarifying its brand, and launching strategic recruiting initiatives, Only Co empowered Ryan Brothers Trucking to transform from a business plagued by an uncertain future to one reenergized for growth and continued family leadership. The road ahead looks bright for this newly revitalized American logistics leader.